Monday, July 31, 2017

Let the Convention Begin

Today was the first day of the convention and the parking lot is filled with Model A's.  Visitors from
all over the country are here.  For many of us the first thing on the agenda was a seminar on retrofitting a Model A carburetor to operate better when using an air filter.  Later some took in another seminar on repairing the Model A steering system.  Both seminars did provide attendees with valuable information for future projects. Some also took a bus trip to a factory that made all kind of things out of Gourds.

You can't attend a national convention without visiting the flea market where you are sure to find some rare parts you can't find at your local flea markets.  I saw many unusual items, but held back on buying anything.  Well, actually I did buy a pin for Nan's collection.

In the afternoon we traveled to downtown Gettysburg.  We did some obligatory shoppingand bought a few items.  We did stop for a tour of the Lincoln Train Museum.  The museum had a great video recounting the last train ride of Abraham and his son Will to Springfield, IL.  We got to take a simulated ride in the last train.  It was pretty neat, with bumps and sounds and our guide was President Lincoln.  Others toured to the monument at the  National Cemetery.

Back to the hotel to rest a bit and then it was for a bus ride to the Gettysburg Visitors Center where we had a private visit to the famous Cyclorama.  The host club did a great job arranging the event which included a seemingly endless supply of appetizer foods.  No one was going home hungry from this place.

The movie of the battle at Gettysburg was excellent and the Cyclorama was very good and something to put on you bucket list if you have not visited this area.  We got to hobnob with some real celebrities, yes General Robert E. Lee and President Lincoln.  We asked Mr. President if he would do anything different...His answer: He would have passed on the theater tickets. ☺

Tomorrow it will be off to more history of the area.

Gettysburg Train Station where Lincolns
train stopped on it way to Springfield

Very interesting Radiator mascot

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Up in Smoke

Sunday dawned bright and sunny.  Slowly we all started to gathered for breakfast at the Sleep Inn.  
The coffee really helped get things going.  Since we were now radio-less we were relegated to the back of the pack, which meant someone else was going to have to lead the group.  The two candidates were Andy or Trish.  Trish thought the directions and her iPad would be enough to do the job.  Andy wasted no time to defer to Trish.  After loading up the Model A's and moderns we headed out to see what adventures the roads would take us on today.

US RT 6 out of Middletown was a pleasant road, what we would call Model A friendly.  Traffic was light and with Bruce setting the pace at about 45 MPH, Wayne and Andy followed along with me and Jack bringing up the rear.  Following along made for a nice view of the Model A's in front of us. The rural nature of the area really did make the ride very pleasant.

We were cruising along, enjoying the drive.  As we neared Port Jervis, we were descending Slate Hill when Andy, and I, noticed a lot of smoke coming from Jack's truck.  I had no CB, but thankfully Andy contacted Jack informing him of the SMOKE and Jack pulled over immediately.

The Model A's continued down the road  to a large pull out to park safely and I turned around to return to Jack.  Jack was already out inspecting the problem.  With a trail of fluid behind him and a puddle underneath the truck he could see it was transmission fluid.  There was no hope of a quick repair, so the only thing to do was call AAA.  Oh no - not again.  The best arrangement was to have Jack's pickup towed to the local Ford dealer and hope the repair could be made asap.

The only problem was that the dealership was
not open today (Sunday).  Jack & Jo were thinking of renting a car to continue, but car rental locations were closed as well.  So the only option was to load up Jack & Jo's stuff into our car and continue to Gettysburg.  Jack left the keys with a detailed note of the problem in the Service Drop Box and will call Phil's Ford service department tomorrow to work out the repair.

With that, we headed off to the interstate to get to Gettysburg.   We kept in touch with the A group and they were making very good time.  We were hoping to catch them but our lunch at Mooses' biker bar took longer that we expected, but the food and outdoor patio setting was great.

Meanwhile the A group followed roads that would take them through the less traveled areas around the Delaware River and the country side of eastern PA on the way to Harrisburg. From there it was a little more of a challenge to find Model A friendly roads down to Gettysburg.

Although we were on the interstate and the A's on secondary road including a dirt road!  Yup a dirt, well actually it was gravel road, we arrived at the hotel complex at the same time.  The parking lots were full of Model A from all over, what a great sight.

In attendance are Jack & Jo, Wayne & Sue, Bruce & Trish, Doug & Nan, Andy & Marilyn, Len & Peg, Gene & Barbara, and John & Martha. We all got checked in and registered for the event which starts tomorrow.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Big Bang!!

With great anticipation of the journey to begin, we gathered in Marlborough before setting off to
Middletown, NY where we spend the night.  The weather was overcast and cool which was actually good for traveling in the Model A.

We used Google Maps to layout a route taking secondary roads instead of taking highways.  This would be a little slower but a lot more enjoyable than the high speed traffic we would otherwise encounter.
Our plan was to follow RT 20 to Sturbridge and then turn south through Holland and into Connecticut.  The road though Holland was definitely one we would have classified as "the road less traveled."

It may have been a road less traveled but it was still a relaxing ride.  We finally made it back to a real
road and enjoyed the country side as it passed by.  One thing that did surprise us was the number of fields we passed still growing Tobacco.  Connecticut tobacco leaves are still highly considered for for cigar wrappers.   So in addition to the local corn it looks like tobacco is still a cash crop.

We were making decent time and called Bruce and Trish to let them know were on track to meet them for lunch in Canaan.  Bruce and Trish had started yesterday and toured to Stockbridge visiting sights along the way.

All was going well until we hit the little town of Winsted.  Stopping at
the traffic light I let out the clutch and there was a loud clunking and BANG!  Oh No!  I disengaged the overdrive and I was able to move.until the next light and then another clunk....then nothing.  No movement at all.  Nothing we could do so it was time to call AAA.  The tow truck came very quickly and got the model a loaded.  He was very considerate of the way he strapped down the car, even changing the way he held down the rear wheel so as not to have any straps rubbing on the fender.
So while Nan and I headed home the rest of the group continued on and made it to the hotel on Middletown,

We made it back home, reloaded to the modern car and hit the highway and made it to Middeltown, NY in time for dinner, well maybe just a little late.     Tomorrow it's off to Gettysburg.

Friday, July 14, 2017

A's Ready to hit the road

On the road again, this time to the MARC National Convention in Gettysburg, PA.  Members of the Minuteman Model A Club are preparing their Model A's for the 440 mile trip.  The Model A's have been on the road before (boston-to-kentucky road trip) and this trip should be a pleasant journey to Gettysburg where we will eventually meet up with the hundreds of other Model A'ers.
Joining in on this trip will be Doug & Nan, Wayne & Sue, Andy & Marilyn,  Jack & Jo, and Bruce & Trish.
More posts will be forthcoming once we get on the road.